The following guidelines are based on Governor Edwards’ guidelines for Phase II Reopening Order and discussions your church staff has had concerning the resuming of public worship.
This is our effort to keep everyone safe and healthy. Please note these guidelines and help us to follow them.
For their safety, those who are 65 and older and/or those with a chronic health condition are asked to stay home and continue to worship with us online.
Those who are running a fever, have a cold, are coughing and sneezing, or those with any other illness are asked to stay at home.
Everyone must wear a mask while in the church building.
Outside doors will be propped open so no one will have to touch a handle.
We will have hand sanitizer stands in the mall for your use.
We are asking those who attend to continue to practice social distancing -- sorry, but this means no handshaking, hugs, gathering at the coffee pots, etc.,
During the Service
We will not have a fellowship time.
We will no longer pass the offering plates during services. Instead, we will have baskets in which you may place your tithes and offerings at the main doors leading into the sanctuary.
We will continue to use the online giving and receiving of tithes and offerings through the mail (First Baptist Wisner P.O. Box 97 Wisner, LA 71378), or dropping off at the office (Mon. – Thur. 8 a.m. to 1p.m). Thank you for your faithfulness in continuing to worship the Lord in your giving.
If the use of a restroom is needed while you are here, we will have disinfectant wipes available for you to wipe the door handles with as you leave a restroom. (Of course, wash hands following use of restroom.)
Concerning Seating
We are asked to limit our attendance to 50% of the occupancy of our worship center.
We are asking families that have been together in isolation to sit together in the worship center without social distancing.
We are asking that others sit at opposite ends of the pews. (Example: A family of 2 may sit on one end of a pew and a person who did not isolate with them could sit on the other end of the same pew.)
Deacons will be present before the service to assist you in finding a seat/following guidelines.
Other Activities
We will not have our Sunday School classes/small groups or our Wednesday night activities until further notice.
There will not be a nursery at this time, but parents should feel free to bring your children with you into the worship center.
Of course, if anyone does not feel comfortable getting back to public activities at this time, please do not hesitate to remain home and join us in worshiping online.